Dog Kennels Available
in Binghamton,
- Also serving Northern PA, Upstate New York, Elmira, Ithaca, Cortland, Norwich, Oneonta, Deposit, Hallstead, Montrose
Our Dog Kennels have an enclosed area for your pets to get out of the weather and a covered exterior run to get some fresh air. The exterior runs are enclosed with chain link panels & gates and have composite decking that won't rot and is easy to wash down. We have 3 standard sizes and can add any of our standard options.
Large Double Kennel - $7,615.00
Medium Double Kennel - $6,005.00
Single Kennel - $3,567.00
Free Local Delivery
Stop in or call 607-771-1111
Located on Upper Front St - Next to Advance Auto
8 x 14 Large Double
8 x 8 Medium Double
4 x 8 Single
Index #: DK001
Over 20 colors to choose from
6 Year Top-to-bottom Warranty
50 Year Warranty on Smart Panel Siding with coated interior finish
Lifetime Warranty Architectural Shingles