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Dog Kennels Available

in Binghamton, NY
- Also serving Northern PA, Upstate New York, Elmira, Ithaca, Cortland, Norwich, Oneonta, Deposit, Hallstead, Montrose
8 x 14 Large Double Kennel
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
A manager will contact you to provide more information on this structure

Our Dog Kennels have an enclosed area for your pets to get out of the weather and a covered exterior run to get some fresh air. The exterior runs are enclosed with chain link panels & gates and have composite decking that won't rot and is easy to wash down. We have 3 standard sizes and can add any of our standard options.


Large Double Kennel - $7,615.00

Medium Double Kennel - $6,005.00

Single Kennel - $3,567.00


Free Local Delivery

Stop in or call 607-771-1111

Located on Upper Front St - Next to Advance Auto 

8 x 14 Large Double
8 x 8 Medium Double
4 x 8 Single
Index #: DK001
Over 20 colors to choose from
6 Year Top-to-bottom Warranty
50 Year Warranty on Smart Panel Siding with coated interior finish
Lifetime Warranty Architectural Shingles